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10 mars 2025

Libya: Global Alert is confirmed that NATO MUSTARD GAS used against civilians in Bani Walid and Sirte September 11, 2011

Libya: Global Alert is confirmed that NATO MUSTARD GAS used against civilians in Bani Walid and Sirte September 11, 2011

Mario Nessuno
English, Libya
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13 Apr

NATO commits crimes against humanity in LIBYA to respond to resistance – massacres, chemical warfare, ethnic cleansing, indiscriminate bombing and Voice of the oppressed, September 11, 2011

Television Alrai confirms the use of mustard gas against the population of Bin Walid
According to television reports Alrai, NATO used a chemical weapon mustard gas against the Libyan population Bani Walid at 5.00 pm yesterday. Journalists in this TV channel reports that early morning, NATO ordered the renegade away from Bani Walid.
Death of a head of Al-Qaeda in Bani Walid

The news coming out of Ben Walid indicate the death of Al-Qaeda leader, Abdulrahman Abo Shnaf Mouftah. From a reliable source reports that the terrorist was killed in a battle in the Valley last night Dinar.
Also, the Renegades defeated in battle against the Libyan national army retreated to the city of Tarhuna. Later that day, NATO aircraft bombed and fired missiles, depleted uranium against the population of the city of Ben Walid.
Communication via satellite phone confirms that NATO bombings have caused many victims killed and wounded and the city is covered with clouds of smoke caused by NATO bombing.

Again NATO bombings on Sirte after a night of sound bombs.

After the great battle in the Red Valley located 90km east of the city of Sirte, the Libyan armed forces have forced the withdrawal of the renegades to Ben Jawad which is located 150km from Sirte. After ground fighting, NATO bombing began again. Having enhanced the use of sound bombs to give deaf people, NATO began attacking again. The bombs of NATO planes reach the houses of civilians. In one house they killed 7 people, six of the same family. Civilians in combat zones confirm that 36 have died renegades along with three British soldiers fighting alongside the renegade.
Taourgha, a city cleansed of its inhabitants by the renegades
Reportedly Tawerga city that is located 50km east of the city of Misrata has been completely emptied of its inhabitants by the renegades of Misrata. Note that Taourgha population are black. Renegades have slain many of the adults to terrorize others in the population of this city has been deported to another unknown place.

****Editors note: although the article is old these pictures have not circulated around the world in showing what NATO really did to Libya. Especially to Ban Walid and Sirte which in any given time the Ratverments with the NATO government do it all over again in the past three years. Babies in Ban Walid and Sirte have already been born with the side effects of the depleted uranium exactly like Iraq. The Tawergans are still kept in certain areas with barred wire and are not allowed to return home. THIS IS WHAT THE AMERICAN/NATO/EU/ISRAEL want to show us their kind of DEMOCRACY WHICH IS NOTHING MORE THAN THEIR DESPOTIC/DICTATORIAL WAY OF CONTROLLING A SOVEREIGN COUNTRY WHO DARED TO BE INDEPENDENT AND SUFFICIENT NOT NEEDING THE ROTHSCHILD’S BANKING SYSTEM, REFUSING TO JOIN AFRICOM.


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