Les plus belles images de la solidarité mondiale avec les Palestiniens nous viennent d’Australie,
24 juillet 2014
<h3 « »= » »> [Basta ! Journal de marche zapatiste multilingue يكفي ! جريدة المسيرة الزاباتية ا
jul 23 à 8h28 PM
Les plus belles images de la solidarité mondiale avec les Palestiniens nous viennent d’Australie, où plusieurs milliers de personnes ont manifesté dimanche dernier. Regardez: ils et elles sont magnifiques.
Marching as one… 14,000km from the frontline: Thousands take to Sydney streets calling for Israel to stop its bombardment of Gaza
- More than 2000 marched down George Street in Sydney’s centre
- It is Sydney’s second major pro-Palestine rally in a fortnight
- So far more than 350 Palestinians and seven Israelis have been killed in the 13-day conflict
- Rally called on Australian leaders to ‘stand up’
Published: 14:26 GMT, 20 July 2014 | Updated: 15:01 GMT, 20 July 2014
Schoolchildren have led thousands of protesters through Sydney’s CBD, demanding an end to Israel’s military offensive in Gaza.
Stunned shoppers watched on as a crowd of more than 2000 marched down George Street, waving flags and chanting, ‘In our thousands, in our millions, we are all Palestinian.’
It is Sydney’s second major pro-Palestine rally in a fortnight.
Parramatta woman Buthania Saeed took her children to Sunday’s protest, which came days after four youngsters were killed in an air strike as they played on a beach in Gaza City.

Schoolchildren led a march through Sydney’s centre on Sunday. They held plastic dolls to signify the loss of innocent babies’ lives in Gaza
‘I’m here as a mum to raise awareness of what’s happening in Gaza,’ Ms Saeed, 41, told AAP.
‘All we’re seeing is women and children being murdered, houses are being burnt down and families are being vanished.’
One demonstrator held up a baby doll swaddled in fake blood-drenched sheets, and stretcher bearers carried child-like figures wrapped in white.
More than 350 Palestinians and seven Israelis have been killed in the 13-day conflict.
Rally master of ceremonies Ophelia Haragli called on Australian leaders to ‘stand up’.

Over 2000 people marched along George Street with banners and flags that showed their support for Gaza

A young boy held a sign saying ‘no one is free when others are oppressed’ while his friend took photos of the march on his iPhone. In the background, a toddler in a pushchair was also brought to the march

Pro-Palestinian protestors painted their faces and wore t-shirts that said ‘free Gaza’ as they gathered to march the streets of Sydney
‘You don’t have to look far, you only have to look at the pictures on the screens, and touch your heart to know that what’s going on in Israel is a massacre,’ Ms Haragli said.
NSW Greens MP David Shoebridge, who addressed the crowd, wants the federal government to use Australia’s position on the UN Security Council to push for a ceasefire.
Elsewhere in Sydney, deputy federal opposition leader Tanya Plibersek said an end to the conflict was urgently needed, though she did not outline the role Australia might play in reaching any detente.
‘Of course the rockets must stop,’ Ms Plibersek told reporters on Sunday. ‘Hamas must agree to a ceasefire, and I also urge Israel to ensure that any response to that rocket fire is proportionate and spares the lives of civilians.’

Pro-Palestinian protestors called for ‘freedom for Palestine’ and held signs saying ‘pray for Gaza’ and ‘occupation is a crime’ as they chanted in the city centre


A young girl (left) shouted passionately as she held a sign calling for the government to ‘save Palestinian kids’. Tomato sauce was used to depict the bloodshed

More than 350 Palestinians and seven Israelis have been killed in the 13-day conflict

Rally master of ceremonies Ophelia Haragli called on Australian leaders to ‘stand up’

Parramatta woman Buthania Saeed took her children to Sunday’s protest, which came days after four youngsters were killed in an air strike as they played on a beach in Gaza City

A young boy acted as a stretcher bearer as he carried a child-like figure wrapped in white through the streets

Sydney’s main shopping street was lined with people dressed in red, black, white and green in support of Gaza

NSW Greens MP David Shoebridge, who addressed the crowd, wants the federal government to use Australia’s position on the UN Security Council to push for a ceasefire
Envoyé par Blogger dans Basta ! Journal de marche zapatiste multilingue يكفي ! جريدة المسيرة الزاباتية المتعددة اللغات le 7/23/2014 08:28:00 PM