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Les Etats-Unis ont bloqué une déclaration sur la Libye à l’ONU


Les Etats-Unis ont bloqué une déclaration sur la Libye à l’ONU

Vendredi 26 octobre 2012


La délégation américaine a bloqué ce mardi au Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU l’adoption de la déclaration initiée par la Russie contenant un appel de régulariser le conflit dans la ville libyenne de Bani Walid par la voie pacifique, a affirmé aux journalistes russes le représentant permanent à l’ONU Vitali Tchourkine.

Tchourkine a qualifié cette mesure de la délégation américaine de « frivole », rappelant qu’en septembre, à la suite d’une attaque contre le consulat américain dans la ville libyenne de Benghazi, quatre diplomates ont été tués, dont l’Ambassadeur américain en Libye.

Selon Tchourkine, il est très étrange de bloquer une déclaration qui appelle à éviter la violence lors de la résolution des questions politiques.


The US has blocked a proposed statement to UN Security Council, drafted
by Russia, calling for the conflict in Libya’s besieged city of Bani
Walid to be resolved peacefully. This, as loyalist militias are mounting
their offensive in the last stronghold of Muammar Gaddafi supporters.
RT’s New York correspondent Marina Portnaya reports.!


Libya: US Blocks Russian UN Resolution of Bani Walid Violence

The United States has blocked a draft statement, proposed by Russia, on
the resolution of violence in the Libyan town of Bani Walid, which has
been under siege for weeks. The statement called for a peaceful solution
to the conflict.

Russia’s envoy to the UN, Vitaly Churkin said the move “can’t be
serious,” reminding the American delegation of the deadly attack in
Benghazi that claimed the lives of four US diplomats in September.

“Blocking a draft statement that called to solve the country’s political
problems without violence is very strange,” Churkin said. “This is a
case when it is difficult to explain the US delegation’s actions in
rational terms.”

The statement drafted by Russia on Bani Walid called on the Libyan
authorities “to take urgent steps to resolve the conflict by peaceful
means and to preserve the rights of all Libyan citizens.” It also
expressed concern about the significant escalation of violence in and
around the city of Bani Walid in recent days.

Lawrence Freeman, from news magazine Executive Intelligence Review says
the US will block any peaceful solution to the ongoing violence in
Libya, because stability in the region is not in its interests.

“The ambassador from Russia made a perfectly reasonable proposal to
quiet down the violence,” he said. “And he would expect that the United
States, as a super power, would respond in a rational manner. The
problem is that President Obama and his UN envoy Susan Rice – they are
not interested in developing peace in Libya and in the whole Middle East
area. And therefore they are going to torpedo any moves that the
Russians make that would tend to quiet the situation down.”

Reports from the small town indicate innocent civilians are becoming the
victims of fighting between pro-government forces and Gaddafi loyalists.

The latest round of fighting was provoked by the death of Omran Shaaban,
the rebel from Misrata credited with capturing Muammar Gaddafi, who was
hiding in a drain pipe in Sirte on October 20, 2011. He died on
September 25 after two months’ detention in Bani Walid.

Pro-government forces and militias besieged the town in order to find
those responsible for the death of “the hero of a new Libya,” as Shaaban
was dubbed.

Bani Walid commanders accuse pro-government troops and militias of
“shelling the town with long-range weapons and even targeting the hospital.”

A local resident currently residing in Italy, but whose family remains
in the town, told RT the current shelling of the town is Misrata
militias’ attempt to “eliminate” it. He claims that initially the
government called for an end to the violence, but later came up with a
call to “clean Bani Walid.”

The UN Security Council has also discussed a possible meeting with envoy
to Libya Tarek Mitri, Churkin said. But it remains unclear when he will
be able to speak, even via video link.

Earlier on Tuesday, the Security Council also postponed the adoption of
another two draft statements proposed by Russia. The first condemned a
terrorist attack in Damascus on October 21 which caused numerous
civilian deaths and injuries. The second called on both the government
and the rebels to agree to a ceasefire during the Muslim holiday of Eid
Al Adha, to allow the people to observe it in peace and security. Eid Al
Adha starts on October 25 and lasts for three days.

Russia’s call for a ceasefire coincides with similar efforts by
international peace envoy Lakhdar Brahimi to persuade Syrians to agree
to a ceasefire during the holiday.

Brahimi left Syria on Tuesday, after finishing a four-day visit aimed at
getting support for his proposal for an end to violence there.


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