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13 mars 2025

Le discours à l’ONU de Mouammar Kadhafi était le plus audacieux

Il est juste de dire que les discours à l’ONU des chefs d’Etats en question (de l’Iranien Rohani au Vénézuélien Chavez) sont plus cohérents et humanistes que la langue de bois technocratique et criminelle (et toujours avec les euphémismes et autres tordures d’esprit typiquement « British English »)(voir le tableau en image ci-joint).

Cependant, aucun n’a dépassé l’audace et la puissance de celui prononcé par Muammar Al-Gaddafi en 2009.

Pourquoi n’est-il pas mentionné ?

Toujours « Deux poids deux mesures » quand il s’agit du Guide de la Révolution Libyenne ?

Ce critère aurait-il été intériorisé même par les anti-impérialistes ?

Ø  Muammar Gaddafi Speech To United Nations. September 23, 2009 (Full)

Ø  Gaddafi speech UN, 23-09-2009 (English subtitles) – Discorso di Gheddafi ONU (sottotitoli ITA) (Aperçu

Ø   “Legendary speech by Martyr Moammar Kaddafi at United Nations of 23 September 2009. Il discorso leggendario del Martire Muammar Gheddafi alle Nazioni Unite del 23 Settembre 2009.


« Today there is swine flu. Perhaps tomorrow there will be fish flu, because sometimes we produce viruses by controlling them. It is a commercial business. Capitalist companies produce viruses so that they can generate and sell vaccinations. That is very shameful and poor ethics. Vaccinations and medicine should not be sold. In The Green Book, I maintain that medicines should not be sold or subject to commercialization. Medicines should be free of charge and vaccinations given free to children, but capitalist companies produce the viruses and vaccinations and want to make a profit. Why are they not free of charge? We should give them free of charge, and not sell them. The entire world should strive to protect our people, create and manufacture vaccinations and give them free to children and women, and not profit by them. All those items are on the agenda of the General Assembly, which has only to exercise that duty.
How can we be happy about global peace and security if the whole world is controlled by only five countries? We are 192 nations and countries, and we are like Speakers’ Corner in London’s Hyde Park. We just speak and nobody implements our decisions. We are mere decoration, without any real substance. We are Speakers’ Corner, no more, no less. We just make speeches and then disappear. This is who you are right now.

At present, the Security Council is security feudalism, political feudalism for those with permanent seats, protected by them and used against us. It should be called, not the Security Council, but the Terror Council.

From the beginning, since it was established in 1945, the Security Council has failed to provide security. On the contrary, it has provided terror and sanctions. It is only used against us. For this reason, we will no longer be committed to implementing Security Council resolutions after this speech, which marks the 40th anniversary.

Sixty-five wars have broken out: either fighting among small countries or wars of aggression waged against us by super-Powers. The Security Council, in clear violation of the Charter of the United Nations, failed to take action to stop these wars or acts of aggressions against small nations and peoples.”


Les Pacifistes de Tunis

Méga site interactif et convivial en couleurs :

خبر عاجل:  تونسيون محبو السلام و الاسلام  يذهبون الى سوريا للجهاد  الى جانب الجيش العربى السوري…

Des Tunisiens se rendent en Syrie pour accomplir le Jihad en soutien à l’armée arabe syrienne

 « Enfin, en d’autres continents et d’autres civilisations, non-occidentales, d’autres révolutions, en Asie et en Afrique, … peuvent aider l’Occident à prendre conscience de ce qu’est une véritable révolution changeant à la fois les institutions et les hommes. Une révolution est d’abord, pour une société, ce qu’une conversion est pour l’individu: changer le but et le sens de la vie. »

Roger Garaudy, Comment l’homme devint humain, Ed J.A, p. 327-332


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