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10 mars 2025

The Islamic State – Reportage au sein de l’organisation terroriste


The Islamic State – Reportage au sein de l’organisation terroriste

L’Etat Islamique est une organisation jihadiste sunnite liée à Al Qaida dont le but est de restaurer le Califat.  Elle est financé par les Etats-Unis et pourvu en armes lourdes américaines récupérées en Iraq et en Syrie.

Le reporter de Vice News a passé trois semaines au sein de l’Etat islamique pour réaliser ce reportage.

The Islamic State, a hardline Sunni jihadist group that formerly had ties to al Qaeda, has conquered large swathes of Iraq and Syria. Previously known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the group has announced its intention to reestablish the caliphate and has declared its leader, the shadowy Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, as the caliph.

The lightning advances the Islamic State made across Syria and Iraq in June shocked the world. But it’s not just the group’s military victories that have garnered attention — it’s also the pace with which its members have begun to carve out a viable state.

Flush with cash and US weapons seized during its advances in Iraq, the Islamic State’s expansion shows no sign of slowing down. In the first week of August alone, Islamic State fighters have taken over new areas in northern Iraq, encroaching on Kurdish territory and sending Christians and other minorities fleeing as reports of massacres emerged.

VICE News reporter Medyan Dairieh spent three weeks embedded with the Islamic State, gaining unprecedented access to the group in Iraq and Syria as the first and only journalist to document its inner workings.


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