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8 février 2025

Les dernières nouvelles de la situation dramatique de Bani Walid

Je n’ai malheureusement pas l’occasion de traduire ce texte en français et,  comme ce qui se passe actuellement est à Bani Walid où le pouvoir usurpé cherche à assassiner les derniers résistants à la colonisation, je vous le transmet en anglais en espérant qu’une äme charitable saura le traduire en français pour nos lecteurs



An Urgent Call for Humanitarian Intervention in Bani Walid, Libya

  السلام عليكم نامل منكم تمرير هذا الايميل للمنظمات الحقوقية والانسانية
Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to you to inform you, irrespective of political interests, about the disastrous situations the Libyan city of Bani Walid, which has been under siege for about two weeks.
The situation is deteriorating badly with every day and every hour that passes as city has been held under siege for two weeks and its citizens are suffering critically from a lack of basic necessities. Armed militias have been bombing civilian areas, killing innocent people and families, destroying homes, public buildings (the links below demonstrate a number of cases).
Victims are mostly children, elderly people and women, who have committed no sin but simply want to live in peace in their homeland. Even those who have attempted to leave the cities have been mistreated and abused by these tribal and psalmists  militias of the who act in revenge and search for displaced people at the gates, often refusing to allow them to leave and denying them passage because of their title or tribal affiliation.
The humanitarian situation in the city is tragic and extremely dire. Sick and injured people, pregnant women and victims of the bombings do not have access to the hospital and medical assistance due to a lack of fuel for their vehicles and even if they were able reach help, they face a tragic lack of medication, medical equipment and oxygen. The hospital is crowded, full of serious and critical cases and many pregnant women have had to deliver babies in their homes; this may lead to complications and put both mothers and infants in real danger. A scarcity of oxygen and a lack of medical materials necessary for operations and cesarean sections have even endangered the lives of those who have been fortunate enough to reach the hospital.
The hospital in the city is in a very miserable state of affairs. Added to the lack of basic equipment and medicine, the hospital is suffering from a severe shortage of fuel that is vital for generating the electricity needed to operate essential medical machinery and devices.
The prospect of starvation and severe malnourishment is now on the horizon with grave shortages in basic foodstuffs, especially baby formula.
I now urge you to please take practical steps on the ground for the sake of the people and in as swift manner as possible. Delivering aid by air or land in collaboration with the displaced or residents of the suburbs will provide life-saving relief.
I personally can help you by securing a direct connection with civilians in the city to assess their fundamental needs and to coordinate the best methods of delivering aid to them.
Listed below are a number of urgently needed medical supplies for the hospital requested from staff currently working there:
1. Oxygen
2. Antibiotics
3. Pain relief medication and antipyretic
4. Internal & external fixation
5. Intratracheal tubes
6. Anesthesia medications
7. Sterile materials cotton bandages
8. Diabetics, HTN and heart disease medication
9. I.V. fluids
10. Surgical sutures & surgical needles
11. Medicals, foods & milk, napkins for children
12. Sterile gloves and gowns
13. Cannula
14. Asthma medication
The hospital also in dire need of staff in particular:
– Anesthesia doctors
– Surgery doctors
– Bones doctors
Support documents and Videos:
I have included below a list of links showing a number of civilians who have been killed by the indiscriminate shelling of the city by militias forces and explaining the situation in the city.
8- Bani walid Hospital report stating militias might used unknown Gas (in Arabic, attachment 1&2)
Your quick respond is highly appreciated,
I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible,
Kind regards,


Libyan Activist

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